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signature ceremony for Skyrace Team China, Stockholm, Sept 2014, gliding with Mario Hytten

From left to right: David Magnell, Li Jinlu and Mario Hytten during the signing ceremony in Stockholm


Stockholm, 2nd September 2014: in a signing ceremony in Stockholm last week, Planetaire entered into two agreements building on its concept Skyrace World Cup:

•  a 7-year contract with Sustainable Lifestyle Scandinavia AB, whereby the Sino-Swedish concern will establish and manage Skyrace Team China, promoting a pilot to represent China in the competition

•  a tripartite letter of intent between Planetaire, Sustainable Lifestyle Scandinavia and the Tourism Administration of Hebei Province, whereby the latter will sponsor both the Chinese pilot and the first Skyrace to take place on Chinese soil



The aims of the partnership are consistent with the concept of “the China Dream” ( 和諧美滿的夢想 ), seen as an attractive alternative to last century’s American Dream. The partners will promote an inspiring role-model for the China Dream values and lifestyle: a pilot representing the People’s Republic of China in international speed competitions for gliders, culminating with the future Skyrace World Cup. Using state-of-the-art aircraft capable of speeds up to 300km/h – with zero carbon emissions – Skyraces will take place in the most stunning mountainous terrains around the globe, generating compelling storytelling and metaphors for a smart, clean and energy efficient future.




Li Jinlu, secretary general of the Hebei Tourism Administration: “Hebei is firmly behind both our Swedish partners. This project will add great value to our initiative “Beautiful China, a Journey along the Great Wall” and also demonstrates Hebei’s commitment to the China Dream”.

David Magnell, Chairman of Sustainable Lifestyle Scandinavia: “ We are very pleased having taken this first step to realize not only the establishment of Skyrace Team China, but also paving the way for unique USP in the promotion of Roýal Mulan Sustainable Resorts, our commitment to sustainability communication and as inspiration for a sustainable lifestyle”.

Mario Hytten, CEO of Planetaire AB: “I am of course delighted that the very first Skyrace Team will represent the second largest economy in the world, a great endorsement for our concept. We hope to announce another exciting franchise in the near future”.



The Hebei Tourism Administration – 中国河北省旅游局 - based in Shijiazhuiang, China - is a governmental agency promoting tourism in the North-Eastern region encircling the capital Beijing. The first section of the Great Wall of China is located in Hebei Province.

Sustainable Lifestyle Scandinavia AB – located in Stockholm, Sweden and Beiing, China - is the developer of a sustainable 200km2 holiday resort in Hebei, branded as Roýal Mulan Sustainable Resorts, just a 3 hours drive from Beijing. Both international and domestic visitors will be catered for, with access to a number of winter and summer activities, including one of the world’s most comprehensive centres for airsport enthusiasts. The sport of gliding will be the crown jewel, with Skyrace Team China and its pilot being based in Royal Mulan and flying over Hebei’s landscapes while practicing towards a place among the world elite.

Planetaire AB – based in Göteborg, Sweden - is a specialist communication agency that has developed a concept to re-brand sustainability into an aspirational goal for the next generation, using sport as a platform to communicate and inspire attitude change.

​​​​© 2018 Mario Hytten

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