my background
my thinking
my motivation
My concepts about sustainability communications derive from the cumulated experiences over a thirty- year career in sports sponsorship, mainly in motor-racing, including Formula 1. The sport has been a locomotive for the whole sponsorship industry, responsible for some of its very best facets, and some of its worst.
I saw the industry from both sides of the fence, since I was myself a professional racing driver for thirteen years, before switching to a managerial role in 1993.
The ability of sports to infuse personality into brands and to affect consumer attitudes towards them is awe-inspiring. There is considerable science around the way humans process and react to various stimuli, but nobody had connected the dots in order to convincingly explain what sets this type of communication apart. I therefore set out to do just that.
There is one reason this is particularly important: the speed of our journey towards a sustainable society is intimately linked to the speed with which human attitudes evolve
around the world.
This is one of the biggest communication challenges ever. It is essential to understand and apply the science behind the obvious successes of a handful of contemporary brands.
Today, companies that are leading the race towards sustainability do not see the returns they deserve in terms of brand value. That must change.
I do not claim any self-taught virtues for my engagement towards a sustainable future. My own personal journey, as its incongruous as it is, revealed to me how this is a deeply rooted instinct in Scandinavians. There is a kind of consciousness of our good fortune to share so much unspoilt nature among so few people.
CEO of Planetaire AB

I have an interest in Planetaire AB, which aims to create communication platforms based on the theories referred to in this white paper.
mario hytten

Born in Sweden, the son of a Norwegian UN official and a Swedish pianist who met in Rome, My life story has been nomadic. I studied and worked in Italy, Switzerland and the UK before finally moving back to Gothenburg in my country of origin, where I reside since 2007.
I have three teenage children, enjoy skiing and scuba-diving, speak English, French, Italian, Swedish and Norwegian.
My texts are hawkishly proof-read by Nick Parker.
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I am available for speaking assignments on any of the subjects covered in this white paper.